The symphonic and chamber music of Robert Simpson stand as significant monuments not only to British, but also 20th Century music as a whole. One only needs to listen to masterpieces such as his 9th symphony from 1987 or his 7th string quartet from 1977 to appreciate the extent of that achievement. However, in common with other radical composers of the past, recognition has been slow, and it is likely to be some time before Simpson’s contributions are fully appreciated.
This site is dedicated to bringing the compositions of the composer Robert Simpson to the attention of a wider public. It contains a biographical sketch, a complete list of works, a discography with reviews, a performance calendar, and a bibliography. It has been created by ourselves, the Robert Simpson Society.
Much still needs to be done to promote the music of Robert Simpson, and we are seeking to increase our membership in order to increase the range of possibilities open to us. If you share our vision regarding the importance of this composer, then please join us. You will be very welcome. Even if you do not wish to join but would like to support us with a donation, then that would be much appreciated as well. Please contact our membership secretary. Further details are given on The Society page.